Sermons by Pastor Cam Hart (Page 15)

Solid Rock Online Sermon

Stir Yourself Up!

Often in summer, people spend more time at the lake, or more time traveling, and visiting friends and family… It’s possible to relax and take some time off for yourself and your family, but stay filled up. – How do we do this? By stirring ourselves up in the Lord!

Solid Rock Online Sermon

Impacting Canada Ministries – Prayer for Canada

Pastor Cam spends a few minutes introducing the vision and mission of Impacting Canada Ministries, the church network that our church recently became partnered with. This Sunday was also Government Prayer Sunday, which was an initiative of the National House of Prayer. Pastor Cam and several other congregation members led our church in prayer for…

Solid Rock Online Sermon

Expressions of Worship

Deuteronomy 6:5 (NLT) And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. What then are appropriate physical expressions of worship? Does God give us the right to pick and choose? Or is there a right way, or a way that He would prefer…? The key to knowing…

Solid Rock Online Sermon

The Power of Worship

Worship is spiritual warfare. When we sing, and raise our hands, and shout praises to God, we are swinging a sword. We are inviting the Lord to fight our battles! In the face of challenging and tough times, God calls His people together to unite and praise Him. Why? Because the greatest battles are won in…

Solid Rock Online Sermon

The Call of Worship

Worship is giving value to something – it’s an expression of worth. Wherever we think is worth it is where we’ll put our passion. So worship is much more than a song that we sing, or just clapping our hands together and tapping to the beat. Worship is a heartfelt response that we give to God…