On Sunday, Dec 27, 2015, the OWN THE HOUSE PROJECT was paid in full! Just over $68,000 was given to pay off our church mortgage since May 3, 2015. Praise God – He is faithful! Many thanks to each person and family who partnered with our church to OWN THE HOUSE!
Prophetic voices have declared this is the year for us to see the glory of God manifest in a greater way. By ‘glory’ we mean God’s power, God’s presence, and God’s goodness. With increased glory comes an increase in manifestations, demonstrations, and visitations of God. And to top it off, this is also the year of the overcomer!
In light of this and what’s written in the Word, we have been led by the Spirit of God to take action. Our action is to pay off the mortgage debt that Solid Rock currently owes. We see in the Word in Proverbs 22:7 and Romans 13:8 that the will of God is for us to be free from the limits of the world’s system – ready for whatever God leads us to do. With revival and growth on the brink, we know God will provide everything needed to help people and strengthen His kingdom. Therefore, our mandate from Him is to OWN THE HOUSE.
According to Galatians 6:7, Solid Rock leadership has decided to sow a $1000 mortgage cancellation seed into two other Canadian ministries. Solid Rock also tithes 10% off the top of all the money we receive in tithes and offerings. Because we know from Scripture that the tithe protects the seed, we are confident that we will reap a 100-fold harvest on what we’ve sown.
We have taken our stand. We rely only on God for the finances to run His business. As we partner together with Him, as a family of believers, we know our church building is debt free! We also invite you to do the same in your personal life. If you feel led by Holy Spirit that it is time for you to be debt free, we invite you to sow your own debt cancellation seed.
We are standing with you for breakthrough in this area of your life just as much as any other area. In the name of Jesus, we agree that you and Solid Rock have received freedom from debt. We praise God and give Him all the glory! WE OWN THE HOUSE!