Rev. Joe McCroskey
September 19 & 20
We are excited and honoured to have Rev Joe McCroskey, International Director for Jerry Savelle Ministries International, with us for some special meetings on Sept 19 & 20. Brother Joe will be joined by Eric Deaton, Associate International Director for JSMI, and Pastor Walter Enns from Heritage of Faith Christian Centre in Winkler, MB.
The meeting schedule is Tuesday, Sept 19 at 7pm, Wednesday, Sept 20 at 9:30 am (coffee/fellowship then meeting), and the last meeting at Sept 20 at 7pm. All meetings are at Solid Rock Church at 221 Main St. E. in Swan River. Join us and expect God to take you to new levels as you are strengthened and encouraged in your faith!
Joe McCroskey
International Director, Jerry Savelle Ministries International
For the past 43 years, Brother Joe McCroskey has had the honor of serving at Jerry Savelle Ministries International. His beginnings in the ministry were as Vice President, General Manager, and CEO. As the ministry grew and he began ministering and traveling extensively with Dr. Savelle through the United States and abroad, Brother Joe moved into the role he currently fills as JSMI International Director, ministering and managing operations overseas through the international offices of JSMI Europe, JSMI Africa, JSMI Australasia, and JSMI Canada.
With a previous career in banking and police work, Brother Joe brought financial expertise and business success to excellence in ministry. He has been instrumental in the expansion of JSMI as well as Chariots of Light and Jerry Savelle Bible School and Discipleship Training.
As International Director and a member of Chariots of Light, Brother Joe has ridden with COL chapters all over the world, including chapters in Canada, Africa, and Australia. He served as the first Texas president of Chariots of Light, and, with a passion for souls and motorcycles, he continues to minister in chapters worldwide.
Brother Joe has taught all over the world – alongside Dr. Savelle as well as ministering as a JSMI ministry representative. He has planted JSMI Bible schools in the U.S. and all over the world and has ministered in those schools and in churches and Bible Schools world-wide.
He has a passion to teach believers and businesspeople how to be led by the Spirit to guarantee and experience good success and how to continually recognize and do one’s part so God can do His part.
He and his wife, Joyce, have lived this way and experienced the blessing in their lives for over 50 years. Both have shared and continue to share personal, practical messages of walking with God and experiencing the goodness of God.
Eric Deaton
Associate International Director, Jerry Savelle Ministries International
Eric Deaton serves as the Associate International Director for Jerry Savelle Ministries International.
Eric travels with Dr. Savelle and Brother Joe McCroskey, and as a team, they minister around the world. Having admired Dr. Savelle since his beginnings in ministry, Eric found favor with “Dr. Favor” and joined the JSMI ministry team in 2019.
Eric has served in full-time ministry since 2002. He began in ministry as a worship leader and youth/young adults pastor and ultimately as an assistant pastor. He is a graduate of Jerry Savelle Bible School and Supernatural Ministries Training Institute. With a passion for strengthening churches and believers, he has traveled and ministered in the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and in many of the nations of Africa.
Eric also has a business and sales background. In a nation-wide company, he held positions in sales, regional management, and on the board of directors. He has managed over a hundred company representatives and worked with hundreds of clients and vendors. Today, he owns and operates a successful business, which began in 1998.
An athlete and competitor at heart, Eric played college basketball and was part of a national championship team. This quality further connects him to the JSMI heritage of making Winners in Life. A winning scripture close to his heart is Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Eric and his wife, Nikki, have one son, Drew. As a family, they love God, love people, and enjoy travel.