At Solid Rock Church, God has been speaking to us this year about being Strong & Courageous, and living fearlessly. Our world is currently experiencing the COVID-19 virus outbreak, so we need to be reminded of the truth of God’s Word more than ever!
1. As God’s children we refuse to fear the COVID-19 virus. We refuse to live in torment and fear by the effects of this virus because we are loved by God Himself, and His love drives out ALL fear! (1 John 4:18). God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
2. As God’s children we have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living inside of us, and He (Holy Spirit), is giving life to these bodies we live in! (Romans 8:11)
3. As God’s children we have overcome this world because our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. (1 John 5:4)
4. As God’s children we believe that Jesus has conquered every sickness and disease that hell could ever throw at the human race, and He has given us this victory through our union with Him. (Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24, Romans 8:17, 37)
5. As God’s children we believe and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord over the COVID-19 virus. Jesus has been given a Name that is above every name; COVID-19 is a name BUT the Name of Jesus is far above it, and the Name of Jesus has been given to us! (Philippians 2:9-11, John 16:23-24)
6. As God’s children we are here on this earth to partner with God in bringing Heaven’s will to this earth – Jesus commanded us “go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race… and these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.” (Mark 16:15-18)
7. As God’s children and His representatives here on the earth, we are vessels for the Lord to work through. BE STRONG AND VERY COURAGEOUS, because Jesus is with you everywhere you go. (Joshua1:9, Matthew 28:20)
What an opportunity for us to rise up and reveal heaven to a world that is fearful! C.S. Lewis said, “In a fearful world, we need a fearless Church.” So let’s act as if the Bible were TRUE – and see God watch over His Word to perform it in our lives!